國際分享- 社群支持的農業實踐

According to legend, when human being cut the first plough into the land, they started to work on the land. That was the beginning of the agriculture, and it also moved towards the social civilization and various artistic creations and development that came from farming.

Since the post-World War and the Industrial Revolution, chemical agriculture has entered another phase, with the “modern technological” farming methods – pesticides, fertilizers, large-scale monocropping, factory-style farm operations and even mechanization Operations, etc., can no longer provide food for human nutrition, also caused a large-scale impact on the damage to the earth.

基於「合作經濟」概念所啟發的社群支持農業(community support agriculture,簡稱CSA)裡,人們嘗試拉近消費者與生產者的距離,不只是在地消費、縮短運送里程的距離,更是共同與社群守護土地、並貼近農耕生活的機會。
In community support agriculture (CSA) inspired by the concept of “cooperative economy”, people try to shorten the distance between consumers and farmers, strengthen not only local consumption, shortening the distance of delivery, but also providing opportunities to protect our land.

The reason that we could easily find local farmers market with diversified organic/ biodynamic food, was because many has worked for us. With more people awaken, being conscious with our agriculture and consumption, we then have more possibility to bring regenerative agriculture to the land, to sustain the life of earth.

Now, allow us to introduce our two activists to share their practice and observation of CSA in the world and inspiring new thoughts for us.

Threefold Living Studio

與談人介紹 – Alice Bennett Groh 艾莉絲. 班奈特.果戎
特別邀請本書作者遺孀艾利絲來與我們分享他們進行這個運動的親身經驗。艾莉絲生長於芝加哥區域,於1974-1975年在英國的愛默生學院向賀伯特.寇夫博士學習生機互動農法,並取得加州大學國際農業發展的碩士學位。他在1979年秋季搬至威爾頓(Wilton)(美國新罕布夏郡希爾斯伯勒縣的一個城鎮),從此定居在那裡。他與已故丈夫崔葛果戎( Trauger Groh)兩人是天普威頓農場的重要關鍵人物,艾利絲活躍於威爾頓區域的社群支持農業工作、人智學社群、也受到當地華德福教育社群的支持。他非常感謝有新的農夫、為果戎農場注入新能量與熱情,並朝向未來前進。

Alice Bennett Groh
Alice grew up in the Chicago area, studied Biodynamic Agriculture at Emerson College in England in 1974-75 with Dr. Herbert Koepf and International Agricultural Development in a Master’s Program at University of California, Davis. She moved to Wilton, NH in the autumn of 1979, where she has lived ever since. She is one of the key figures in the emergence of Temple Wilton Community farm alongside her late husband Trauger Groh. Alice has been active in the Wilton area with the CSA work, the work of the Anthroposophical Society and with the support of Waldorf Education in the Wilton area. She is very grateful that new farmers, with new energy and enthusiasm have come to Groh Farm, to take it into the future.

Alice Bennett Groh 艾莉絲. 班奈特.果戎
與談人介紹 – Ricardo Pereira 雷卡多.佩瑞亞

雷卡多是任職於洛斯金磨坊信託的研究員,目前正攻讀高雲地利大學博士,研究的主題是基於三元社會脈動之下的社群支持農業與農業去商品化。他擁有社會教育學/教育科學的大學學位(葡萄牙波爾圖大學)和具有專業整合的實用技能治療教育碩士學位(英國西英格蘭大學)。他擁有超過 15 年的共同創建/促進計劃的經驗,這些計劃適用於具有複雜需求和來自貧困背景(葡萄牙、西班牙、巴西、美國、匈牙利和英國)的各個年齡段的人。他還擁有表演和導演文憑(波爾圖大學)和戲劇治療文憑(英國羅漢普頓大學),並在多個國家演出和導演了數十部戲劇。

Ricardo is a researcher at Ruskin Mill Trust undertaking a PhD (Coventry University, UK) on the topic of Community Supported Agriculture and the decommodification of agriculture, based on the 3-fold social impulse. He has a University degree in Social Pedagogy/Sciences of Education (Porto University, Portugal), and a MSc in Practical Skills Therapeutic Education (University of the West of England, UK) with professional integration. He has over 15 years’ experience co-creating/facilitating programs for people of all ages with complex needs and from underprivileged backgrounds (Portugal, Spain, Brazil, USA, Hungary and UK). He also has a Diploma in Acting & Directing (Porto University) and Dramatherapy (Roehampton University, UK) and has acted in and directed dozens of plays in multiple countries.

Ricardo Pereira 雷卡多.佩瑞亞
ZOOM線上座談會如有問題請email: threefoldlivingstudio@gmail.com

May.11th, 2022(Wed.) Taiwan time 19:30-21:00PM on Zoom
(Note: including Mandrain interpretation time)
Open for all
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Threefold Living Studio was established in Jan.23.2018 in Yilan Taiwan. The vision is to let Anthroposophical spiritual science lead our way, organize the work in threefold spirit and to create a learning community together with our alliances.


